J. William Karbach, CEO of The Branch Group, is proud to share Governor Ralph Northam’s nominations announced Friday for his Virginia Board of Workforce Development (VBWD). We are pleased to announce the appointment of Ernie Caldwell, President of G. J. Hopkins, a Branch Group Subsidiary Company, to serve a term of four years beginning 7/1/2019 and ending on 6/30/2023. Governor Northam is focused on building a Commonwealth that works better for all people, no matter who they are or where they live. During Ernie Caldwell’s term, he and the Workforce Development Board will assist the Governor in solving real problems faced by real people. VBWD is a business-led board that acts as an advisory body to the Governor and provides strategic leadership to the state regarding the workforce development system and its efforts to create a strong workforce aligned with employer needs.
The secret to a profitable summer? A working HVAC system
A heat dome has enveloped large portions of the United States, and we’re feeling it. The high temperatures and soul-crushing humidity has all of us running indoors where our trusted HVAC systems keep us cool, comfortable, and safe from the heat. Your employees,...